Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Myth #1 - What You THINK You Know About Local Marketing

I am often in the position of educating local businesses about online marketing. And just as often in the position of dispelling more than a few dearly-held and utterly false notions.  More often than not, those notions can prevent that same business from ranking as high as they would otherwise. It's not surprising that businesses lack valid information since there is so much info out there already and more coming every day.  

Google’s CEO has been quoted as saying that the world is now generating 5 exabytes of information every two days. Every two days!  It's no wonder local business owners get too overwhelmed to keep up with the marketing end. Add to that, search engines make changes to their algorithms daily.  Local SEO takes ongoing attention and experience to keep up and stay up.  Don't be fooled by misinformation.

Don't know where to start?
Call Fresh Mint Marketing. Together we can create
a customized marketing plan that works for you.

Myth #1  I Can Make a Few Tweaks to my Website to Dominate Google Local.

Uh.... no. Sorry.  If you think this is true and you have a competitors,  you have a problem.  Greater marketing power comes with online history.  Multiple approaches are required to rank highly and consistently and get your business information in front of new consumers.  Here are three (can't tell all my secrets) action items that can get you on the right path:

  1. Develop an ongoing, consistent local marketing planPlan least six months ahead.  Twelve is better.
  2. Claim, verify and optimize your Google Local Page. Use all the tools available. Tagging, keywords, videos, images.
  3. Add to your website.
  4. Verify and link your website to your Google Local Page. A great way to say, 'Hey, Google, Look at me!"

And as always, if you have questions or are ready to make your local marketing plan now, contact Fresh Mint today. We love to help.

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